Photography A1:
Formal Elements: Line
Definition and Theory:
The formal elements are what makes photographs. Line, being one of the formal elements, is a path of points that may or may not be changed. There are several different types of line; curved, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, 'S' shaped and lines that converge.
My Image Bank:
The images I collected in my image bank present the different types of lines in the random areas and places where you can find the variety of lines. I believe that my favourite photograph within my image bank is the photo of the zebra posed against a lined background because it compares lines going in different directions against one another.

My Mind Map on Line:

Photographer: Peter Keetman
Peter Keetman was born in April 1916 and was a German photographer. He left behind a legacy of photography which focused on close-up photographs as well as his interesting taste for the abnormal. Aspects like the closeness and focus of Keetman's work interests me due to the fine detail. However, I would like to use colour in some of my own photographs when experimenting with lines.

In Peter Keetman's work there is an aspect of abstract features in the photographs. For example, the photo in the top left corner it isn't clear what is it but connotes a metal, muscular effect due to the curved aligned lines. However, the photograph on the bottom right creates a sense of vertigo, almost to view it like you are looking down on to the objects.
Photographer: Walker Evans
Walker Evans was born November 1903 and he was an American photographer and photojournalist best known for his work for the Farm Security Administration documenting the effects of the Great Depression. I enjoy the different perspective of lines that Evans has found in different areas which is why I plan to create a photo with road paintings/markings. However, I would also like to include photographs that allow me to focus on the lines within nature. Due to a favourite theme of mine being nature and its natural looks.

AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
In Walker Evans photographs there is always a sense of direction following the long leading straight lines within the road markings. I like how casual and everyday his work is, which causes me to attempt to take some photos of such everyday objects/scenes to link back to Walker Evans style of work.
My Contact Sheets:

Throughout these images I have circled my favourite images in green. Whereas, there are a couple of photographs that may need improvements that have been circled in red.

A few of my images were inspired by the photos I collected in my image bank. For example, the photograph of the zebra and the nature inspired photos.
My Best Images (Non-Edits):

Images that need Improvements:
AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.

In these photographs I do not believe there are many obvious lines of any styles or types. Therefore, I do not think they are my best photographs compared to my best images that I will next edit. In my editing process I plan to make some photos black and white whilst others will be in very extreme contrasting colours. I believe I could improve these images next time by creating more of a zoom to allow the lines I am attempting to capture to be more clear and focused.
My Editing Process:

When editing my images I focused on the photographers work, who I have recently researched, to inspire the extreme contrasts to reach the full tonal range of black and whites. Both Peter Keetman and Walker Evans produce photographs following the same effect.

AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
My Edited Images:

AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.
Throughout my photographs I believe I have produced a variety of images all including different types and styles of lines. I was inspired for one of my images by the photograph of the zebra that I collected and presented in my image bank. Also, another one of my photographs was inspired by the work of Walker Evans, with different road marks/paintings. The other photos I produced were my attempts of collecting different lines in a wide range of different places.