Photography A1:
Independent Shoot 1 (Formal Elements):
I have decided to focus on the formal element of Shape to refine my previous work and photographs that I produced beforehand. I feel as though this formal element was another one of my weakest topics that I produced. This is also due to the chosen photographers I researched not presenting enough influence in my final images that I produced. Following this independent shoot I plan to focus on the subject matter of nature as well as buildings and architecture.
Researcher Influence:
Andy Goldsworthy...

Angie McMonigal...

My Image Bank:

I have chosen to use these two photographers as my researching influence as they both present shapes in their one special and unique ways. Whereas, they are almost opposite to one another; the different architecture found within cities, compared to the natural beauty found within the forests of certain remote areas.
AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.

My Contact Sheets:

Due to the extreme difference between the two photographers I have used to influence this independent project, I have decided to produce two sets of contact sheets within the two different shoots I am doing. This shoot was inspired by the work of the photographer Andy Goldsworthy and his love for using nature within his work. As I captured these photos in a local forest, I also came across a number of abandoned objects that I felt would be quite interesting to produce photos of. I have placed a green circle around the images I thought to be of my best standards but will assess which images would require improvement once capturing my other shoot inspired by another photographer.

These photographs, that I captured at a later stage, have been inspired by the photographer Angie McMonigal and her theme of different architecture. In order for me to capture these images I travelled to Canary Wharf, London to ensure that there was a wider variety of different and unique styles of architecture.
My Best Images: (Non-Edits)

Images that need Improvements:

AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.

These photographs are considered to be the worst of my images, that I believe require the most improvements in my following shoots. This being because the the shapes I have attempted to capture were not 100% clear and accurate within the frame. Also, in a number of the images I believe there was an element of over exposure which created them to look quite amateur as a whole.
My Editing Process:

AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.

During my editing process, I edited the photographs using the adjustments tool bar in Photoshop. I transferred some of the images to black and white, whilst others I left in colour However, some were edited to have very little saturation and colour within the frame. In one of the images, I selected and masked the layers to make some parts of the photo more saturated and contrasted than other elements.
My Edited Images:
AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.

In my first independent shoot, I strongly think that I have made improvements on one of the formal elements; shape. In my first attempt of my photographs in the shape topic, there wasn't a very strong link to the photographers I researched before capturing the images. However, in this set of photographs I believe I have created a stronger link between my work and the work of Andy Goldsworthy and Angie McMonigal. Overall, this independent shoot wad a success in the photographs I produced and the improvements I made compared to my first attempt of the formal element; shape.